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This is a separate and distinct crime with a mandatory minimum sentence of three years in prison for a first offense and five years for a second or subsequent offense. Virginia Code § 18.2-53.1 makes it unlawful to use, attempt to use, or display a rifle, pistol, shotgun, or another firearm in the commission of certain serious felonies, such as rape, forcible sodomy, murder, robbery, carjacking, burglary, or malicious wounding.
Displaying a firearm while committing a felony. If the individual is charged with having such a firearm "on or about his person" while in possession of the drugs, the statute applies a mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment of two years. Possession of a firearm with possession of drugs. Under Virginia Code § 18.2-308.4, it is illegal to possess a gun while in possession of illegal controlled substances classified as Schedule I or II drugs. This statute also makes it a Class 6 felony to possess any firearm on such property. A violation of this statute is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Possession of a firearm on school property.It is illegal under Virginia Code § 18.2-308.1 to possess a stun weapon, knife (except for a pocket knife with a folding blade of less than three inches), stun gun, or other weapons other than a firearm on the property-including school buses and at certain extracurricular activities-of any school, including public, private, and religious schools. A Class 6 felony is punishable by one to five years in prison. Having the gun in your control is broadly interpreted, making it more likely that you may be arrested for this offense if it is in proximity to you and you exercise control or dominion over it. You may be convicted of this offense if you have a gun at your home or in your car as long as the gun was in your possession and under your control. Virginia Code § 18.2-308.2 makes it a Class 6 felony for a person convicted of committing a felony to possess a firearm. Possession of firearm after a felony conviction. However, if the violation occurs on the property of any public, private, or religious school, it is a Class 6 felony. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Brandishing a firearm. Virginia code § 18.2-282 makes it unlawful to point, hold, or brandish a firearm or any object similar in appearance in such a way as to induce fear in the mind of another. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor-the most serious class of misdemeanor offenses-and may result in up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Under Virginia Code § 18.2-308, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon, such as a pistol, switchblade, brass knuckles, and other specified weapons, without a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. It is a crime to possess a gun in certain places, to possess a gun if you are a certain prohibited person, to possess certain types of guns, to possess guns while in possession of drugs, and more. There are over 30 gun-related offenses in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 18.2 308 CODE OF VA FREE
Call Now to Discuss Your Situation in a Free Consultation: 70 Serving all of Northern Virginia, D.C., and Maryland What Are Common Gun Crimes in Virginia? We will thoroughly review your case, present all of your legal options to you, and work with you to achieve the best possible outcome in your case. The legal team at Greenspun Shapiro, PC, understands how much you have at stake. However, if you retain an experienced criminal defense attorney, you may be able to build a strong defense.
Not only could you face stiff penalties, but a conviction may also have long-term consequences-including a permanent criminal record, limitations on your employment, and loss of professional licenses.
If you are convicted of other crimes as well, the penalties can run consecutively with other sentences. Most gun offenses are felonies and come with mandatory minimum sentences.
You may be arrested for violating one or more different gun crimes. Police and prosecutors take gun crimes seriously in Virginia.